Heiße weiße Schokolade auf der Terrasse im Winter.

Hot white chocolate

Home-made tastes best

Coming home from a walk in the woods with red cheeks and warming our hands on a steaming cup of home-made hot white chocolate – those are the moments of happiness we love about winter! Of course, our indulgence in this heart warmer is even greater when there's a Christmas Rose on the table, its white flowers beaming in competition with the creamy white colour of the hot chocolate. The Christmas Rose creates that Christmas atmosphere, along with the wintery flavours added by the ingredients of the hot white chocolate.

Recipe for hot white chocolate:

400 ml milk, 2 Tbsp orange juice, a pinch of aniseed powder, a pinch of ground allspice, a small pinch of vanilla pulp, 80 g ground white chocolate, 30 ml whipped cream, some ground cinnamon for dredging, 2 aniseed stars for decoration.

Boil up the ground white chocolate briefly with milk. Mix well with a whisk until the chocolate has completely dissolved. Stir in spices and two tablespoons of orange juice. Fill into cups, top with whipped cream and dredge with some ground cinnamon and aniseed stars. Finished!